The Dungeon Part 2 (The roles for different classes in FB)

WB - Werebeast (.my) | Barbarian (.int)
WR - Warrior (.my) | Blademaster (.int)
WF - Werefox (.my) | Venomancer (.int)
MG - Magician (.my) | Wizard (.int)
EA - Elf Archer (.my) | Archer (.int)
EP - Elf Priest (.my) | Cleric (.int)

WB: It's advisable to stay in tiger form for the whole FB. It's important for the WB to use Bluster to agro all the mobs to prevent the EP from stealing agro when they heal you. If you're able to work well with your EP and WR party mate, you will be able to change back to human form to kill the mobs (since WB human form deals more damage).

WR: acts as the 2nd/back up tanker in the party. Uses Lion Roar to aid the WB in tanking more efficiently (when the WB is handling too many mobs at one go). WR can also act as "wine" if they are high level enough for low level FB. WR can use Sprint Cloud to gather up (as much as the WR can tank) mobs and AOE them all at one go. Thus making the duration needed for completing the FB shorter.

WF: acts as a lurer in FB dungeons. Some mobs are closely packed together in FB. When your tanker or party is not high level enough to tank all the mobs at one go, WF are needed to lure the mobs out one by one for the WB to tank. WF are needed to bramble guard the tanker too since most boss deals physical damage to the tanker. At times, WF are needed to send vigor over to the WB to aid the WB to tank more efficiently.
How to lure: Call out a pet and send it to the mob you want to lure. After your pet hits the mob once, call off your pet so that it goes back to your pet bagpack. The mob your pet just hit will afro you since you're the owner. When the mobs come to you, the WB will use ripping bite on the mob to get the agro away from you.

MG and EA: Mainly for damage dealing. Must be willing to sacrifice and die in place of the EP when the EP gets agro (Since EA and MG can walk fast due to Distance Shrink and EA due to Wings of Protection). EA are also needed for their Sharptooth skill (reduce HP upper limit).

EP: should try not to take part in damage dealing. Their job is to heal the tanker (and damage dealer if the tanker's not in danger). EP should know when to heal and when not to heal. For example, if the WB did not damage the mob at all, EP do not have to heal because once you heal the WB, you're going to get aggro'd. EP should always be alert and use Plume Barrier immediately when she/he's in danger. However, once the WB die (if you're not dead by then) please force log out yourself to prevent yourself from dying. Else prepare dolls and revival scroll if you're the only EP in the party.

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