[Joke] When God Created the Indonesia

One day God smiled with satisfaction to see a planet that has just created .. The angel asked,

Angel: What you've just created, God?

God: "Behold, I've just created a blue planet called Earth, "said Lord, adding a few clouds over the Amazon rainforest region. The Lord continued," It would be wonderful planet than ever I create. In this new planet, everything will happen in a balanced way ". Then the Lord explained to the angel of the European Continent. In northern Europe, God created the land full of opportunities and fun as England, Scotland and France. But in that area, God also created the air were very cold. in southern Europe, God created the rather poor, such as Spain and Portugal, but lots of sunshine and warm and exotic scenery in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Angel: (And the angel pointed to an island shouting) Then the area is it God?

God: (Oh, that, "said God,) it's Indonesia. The State is very rich and very beautiful on the planet. There are millions of flora and fauna that have I created there. There are millions of fresh fish in the sea that is ready to harvest. Many rays sun and rain. the inhabitants created my warm-hearted, benevolent and culturally colorful. They are hard workers, ready to live a simple and unpretentious as well as art lovers ..

Angels (angels protested,) Why, every state will be created with balance. How well all of Indonesia? Then where lies the balance?

God: Wait, until you see the idiots I put in the government.

This is just joke that I'm copy, so please don't take it serious.. :))
(Inspiration by Geography test tomorrow) 

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